Friday, December 08, 2006

Florida Among States With Highest Flu Rates

If you thought sunny Florida didn’t have its share of winter blues you were wrong. Florida is currently one of the states with the highest flu rates in the nation.

To make sure your family and South Florida home stay flu-free this season, there are a few steps you can take.

Children are especially vulnerable and one of the best options to protect them from the virus and the serious complications that it may bring is a flu shot. Shots are recommended mostly for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.

The Sun Sentinel has reported that both Broward and Palm Beach counties still have the vaccine available. Many Doctors offices carry the vaccine as well.

The vaccine will be available in special clinics set up at different Publix locations in Broward County, and scheduling is pending at local malls as well according to Tory Omran the account manager at Maxim Healthcare, Fort Lauderdale. The company provides flu shots at retail locations.

Keeping your home as germ free as possible can be achieved by consistently wiping down door knobs, washing your hands, and changing bedding and towels weekly.

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