Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Summer Vacation Checklist: Pool Safety

“In my head I hear a humming:
Summer, summer, summer's coming...
swimming's much more cool
Swimming in a swimming pool..."

And so the poem goes. The children will be free as quick as thought. Have you fenced your pool yet?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission suggests installing fences and gates completely around pools. Here are some guidelines for pool barriers, provided by .

1. The fence or other barrier should be at least 4 feet high. It should have no foot or handholds that could help a child climb it.

2. Vertical fence slats should be less than 4 inches apart to prevent a child from squeezing through.

3. The maximum clearance at the bottom of the barrier should not exceed 4 inches above the ground, when the measurement is done on the outside of the barrier, the part that is facing away from the pool.

4. Gates should open away from the pool, not into the pool, and should be self- closing and self-latching. The gate should have no opening greater than ½ inch within 18 inches of the latch release mechanism.

Swimming pool barrier guidelines are not a CPSC standard nor are they mandatory requirements. The CPSC hopes that we’ll know enough to use these as a minimum starting point.

Lifesaver Pool Fence is a removable safety mesh pool fence designed specifically to provide a safety barrier around residential swimming pools for kids. These fantastic fences, (and I can vouch for them because I own one!) have tough safety mesh (even if kids try to throw themselves against it), support poles, self-closing gate options, and ground caps.

Swimming pools should always be a treat for kids. Ensure they add to your life, as they add value to your home.

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