Monday, May 14, 2007


Are we so numb to hurricanes in Miami that we can’t see a blessing if it sticks to our roof?

The Miami Herald’s 9th Annual Business Plan Contest drew 135 entries from throughout the southeast U.S., among them XTarp, a revolutionary, post-storm, roof-saving product.

But the People’s Pick was some do-it-yourself invitation CD ROM.


Hurricane season doesn’t even start for another two weeks and we’ve just had our first tropical storm Andrea with 40-mph winds.

Forget custom invites, and listen up folks.

Antonio Diaz, airplane engine tester, entrepreneur and inventor has a product that will blow you away, but prevent your roof from doing the same.

XTarp: A 4-layer, 23 milimeter-thick, 10" by 12", poly-woven laminate SELF-ADHESIVE ROOF TARP!!!

It’s so simple, says Diaz, a 9-year-old can use it. You can shinny up your roof and repair your hard-to-cover S-tile, (or barrel-tile), roof after a storm. Then, when the roofers can’t get to your house even after a whole year, and the next hurricane season begins, the dang thing will still be adhering to your roof, withstanding up to 110-mph winds!!! (Maybe more once testing for 200 mph winds is complete).

XTarp molds to tile, shingles, concrete, rubber, metal, and PVC. It eliminates the use of those horrible blue tarps, which require sandbags (impossible to lift up a ladder on your shoulders), bricks, hammer, or nails.

XTarp actually comes in two sizes, 6” by 6” and 10” by 12”. XTarp can also adhere to itself, so you can layer them to cover a greater area, but Diaz said most roof damage is isolated so you won’t need to buy an enormous amount.

Best of all, Diaz said the adhesive is non-toxic and Ozone-safe, and will not attract mold, algae or bacteria!

The product is classified as a "temporary" product so it doesn't require state approval, but it's been tested and has a Miami-Dade County product number. Visit them at the Florida Governor's Hurricane Conference at the Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center May 16 & 17, 2007 in booth 202. Or at the Palm Beach Post Storm Show June 9 and 10. Or call and order from Diaz direct, 305-781-6443.

Unless you’re too busy designing invitations on your computer. sigh.

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